EMAS Register Search
Search Result
- Registration Nmber
- DE-166-00084
- Name
- OmniCert Umweltgutachter GmbH
- Registration Date
- 10/7/2023
- Number of Employees
- 39
Contact Person of the Organisation
- Name
- Cornelia Frey
- Phone
- +4994059558225
- cornelia.frey@omnicert.de
- Webpage
- https://www.omnicert.de
Enviromental Statement
Bezug über die Managementzentrale
Environmental Verifier
- Name or Company
- Myska, Martin
- Licence Number
- DE-V-0233
- Name
- OmniCert Umweltgutachter GmbH
- Street
- Kaiser-Heinrich-II.-Str. 4
- Postcode
- 93077
- City
- Bad Abbach
- Federal State (at the site)
- Bayern
- Management Centre
- yes
- Number of Employees
- 39
Contact Person for the Site
- Name
- Cornelia Frey
- Phone
- +4994059558225
- cornelia.frey@omnicert.de
- Webpage
- https://www.omnicert.de
Branch at the Site (NACE-Codes)
- NACE-Code
- 74.9
- Description
- Sonstige freiberufliche, wissenschaftliche u. technische Tätigkeiten a. n. g.